RSS Feeds

This is a list of the RSS feeds I follow. The list is generated automatically from my self-hosted FreshRSS instance. Once per day, an OPML file is generated from FreshRSS, parsed into HTML and uploaded here. The feed descriptions are also taken from the RSS feeds metadata.

List generated at 20-07-2024 10:47 UTC

Aide Mémoire - handcrafted musings on the world
Alan Pope's blog - Recent content on Alan Pope's blog
Alex's Homelab Blog - Tinkering, Projects, Homelab.
Alex Ellis' Blog - OSS, Cloud Native & Raspberry Pi
All the interviews for the People and Blogs series. - This feed contains all the interviews published for my People and Blogs series.
ArtLung - Joe Crawford
Artur Dziedziczak Blog - Recent content on Artur Dziedziczak Blog
Ash Kyd's blog - Australian in Europe (no longer). Webdev, sometimes speaker, gamedev, vlogger. Click here for the good stuff. 🏳️‍🌈
BinaryDigit - Recent content on BinaryDigit's Cafe
BinaryDigit - B's Digital Cafe
Blognik -
Blog of the .Day - Blog of the .Day
Blog on Nature Works - Recent content in Blog on Nature Works
Blogs on Yet Another SysAdmin - Recent content in Blogs on Yet Another SysAdmin
Brain Baking - Freshly Baked Thoughts by Wouter Groeneveld - Explore the latest single-board computers (SBCs), including reviews and benchmarks for Raspberry Pi.
Brian Koberlein - Recent content by Brian Koberlein
BrixIT Blog - Random blog posts from Martijn Braam
brr - Observations on Antarctic infrastructure. Anecdotes from daily life for support staff. Focused on McMurdo Station and Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.
Béton brut -
cat /dev/brain -
Code & Stuff - B's Projects
Cole's Blog -
Colin Walker – Live Feed - Carousel daily feed
Corey Snipes - Software Engineer and All-Around Good Chap
Cory Dransfeldt - Posts from my site. - blogging about technology & open source - tech, open source and networking
Daniel Wayne Armstrong - Libre all the things
Darek Kay - Darek Kay is a professional front-end developer and an accessibility advocate.
Dave Jansen - Collection of somewhat random technical bits, howtos and oopsies.
David Heinemeier Hansson -
David Hembrow - My occasional blog about things generally not to do with cycling.
didleth -
Dogweather - Robb Shecter
Fabien Sanglard - Chronicles of software wizardry
FreshRSS releases - FreshRSS releases @ GitHub
Garbage Collector - Recent content on Garbage Collector
Hackaday - Fresh hacks every day
Hund - Linux, slow-tech & life
i am dain - ...and these are my thoughts mostly on technology
Ian Renton - The website of Ian Renton, a software engineer and builder of robots
Infrequently Noted - Alex Russell on browsers, standards, and the process of progress.
James' Coffee Blog - -
James Bennett ( -
James Gayfer - A personal website and dev blog.
Jeff Geerling's Blog -
Joelchrono’s Blog -
Karan Sharma - Ramblings on programming, tech and life.
Kartografia Ekstremalna - Pogłębione analizy na tematy społeczne, demograficzne i gospodarcze od twórców facebookowego profilu Kartografia Ekstremalna
KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog - - Tell the word what you are writing about in your blog. It will show up on feed readers.
Kevwe Technology AB - Kevwe Technology AB - RSS Feed
Klub krótkofalarski SP3YOR - Strona poznańskiego klubu krótkofalarskiego SP3YOR
Klub Krótkofalowców PZK LAB-EL HF5L - Strona Klubu Krótkofalowców PZK LAB-EL HF5L
Krzysztof Adamski - mikroblog Krzysztofa Adamskiego -
LOW←TECH MAGAZINE English - This is a solar-powered website, which means it sometimes goes offline
Ludicity - "Wow, if I was the leader of this person's company I would immediately terminate them." Reader mail is the only thing that brings me joy in this cruel world of spreadsheets and sprints:, but will take a while to reply after the deluge of emails following the AI post. I do read everything. I will prioritize responding if:

  1. You live in Melbourne and want coffee.
  2. You are a student seeking advice.
  3. You are an unemployed engineer that shares my values who needs help, especially from marginalized communities.
  4. You want to invite me onto a podcast or something because the flames of my ego are a roaring inferno that needs constant feeding, to the dismay of all those around me.
Podcast which is just me chatting with readers and friends, get those famous clout-chasers outta here. Mastodon because it's so much nicer than Twitter. Twitter which only exists so that I can comment on posts whenever I'm featured on a podcast, which is not a sentence I ever expected to type. Liberapay | Patreon so that I become less vulnerable to corporate cancellation. Feed - M0YNG is the callsign of a radio amateur in Gloucestershire. This is a smolnet version of their website available via Gopher and Gemini and HTTP.
Maciej Spiechowicz - personal website - I'm all about merging the tech world with everyday life. Whether you're a tech buff or simply curious, come along with me as I dive into the latest gadgets, demystify tech jargon, and share some of my own experiences along the journey!
Manuel Moreale RSS Feed - A collection of random thoughts about tech, life, design and pretty much everything else I find interesting.
Marijke Luttekes blog - Blog articles by Marijke Luttekes, mostly tech-related.
mark nottingham -
Mark Pitblado - My personal site, mostly a blog of my random thoughts.
Marks Rpi Cluster -
Matt Stein - Curated collection of worthless blurbs.
Max Böck - Max Böck is a professional front-end developer based in Vienna, Austria.
Melroy's Blog - Recent content on Melroy's Blog
Michael Stapelbergs Website -
Michal's Sapka Webpage on Michał Sapka's website - Recent content in Homepage on Michał Sapka's website
Midwist -
Mijndert Stuij - Senior DevOps Engineer. Runner. Minimalist.
Musings - like thoughts, but deeper and sometimes stupider
Neil Brown - Recent content on Neil's blog
niqwithq - I write a blog my user experience with the world.
Norm-working Packets 💾 - Recent content on Norm-working Packets 💾
NO TECH MAGAZINE - Technology for Luddites
Oryx -
Paolo Amoroso's Journal - Tech projects, hobby programming, and geeky thoughts of Paolo Amoroso
Piwnica Oliwiera - Niewygodna z punktu widzenia mainstreamu perspektywa mnie. Facebook-free since 2023.04.30. - Paul Battley’s blog, publishing since 2002
priscilla - ✨composer/sound designer✨ MTL🍁✨ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 📝 Times & Galaxy 📝 😼 SKIN DEEP w/ Blendo Games😼 🪦Revenant Hill w/ TGS (RIP)🪦 🔥 IMMORTALITY 🔥 🟪 Patrick's Parabox 🟪 🚀 JETT: The Far Shore 🚀 ☃️ A Good Snowman is Hard to Build ☃️ 🙏 Can Androids Pray 🙏 🤖 Can Androids Survive 🤖 👨🏻 Iron Man: VR 👨🏻 🪐 Voyageur 🪐 👻 The Silence Under Your Bed 👻 🧠What Isn't Saved (will be lost)🧠 🪲 Mama Possum 🪲 🪱 Dumpster Date 🪱 🖥️ The Relief of Impact 🖥️ 🧊 Beneath Floes 🧊 🫖 The Domovoi 🫖 🔜 Southern Monsters 🔜
prma - All entries on the PRMA blog!
resilience - Insight and inspiration in turbulent times.
Riddles in the Sky - A blog dedicated to observing, mostly classified, satellites.
Robb Knight - Maker of web things, Lego builder, sometimes blogger, sporadic pizzaiolo, fortnightly podcaster. Cat dad and human dad.
Robin Rendle - Notes from the field.
Rubenerd - By Ruben Schade in s/Singapore/Sydney/. 🌻
rubenwardy's blog - Welcome to my blog, where I write about my projects and various tech-related topics.
Run. Bike. Code - Living the active life while preserving some nerdiness.
Sarah Abderemane's Website -
Sarah Jamie Lewis's Activity Feed -
shellsharks - Cybersecurity Research and More
sleeplessbeastie's notes - Recent content on sleeplessbeastie's notes
SP6HFE - blog radiopasterski
STFN - On computers and the night sky
Taylor Jadin - Recent content on Taylor Jadin
tempertemper - Articles on user experience design and frontend web development
Terence Eden’s Blog -
The Conversation: In-depth analysis, research, news and ideas from leading academics and researchers. – The Conversation - - Linux, privacy and what ever comes to mind
Tomasz Dunia Blog - Blog o wszystkim - przemyślenia, poradniki, projekty otwarto-źródłowe, praca, self-hosting, seriale, filmy / Blog about everything - thoughts, tutorials, open-source projects, work, self-hosting, series, movies
tty1 - I'm afraid it's terminal
Twoja Stara Gra Metal - Metal i Piekło
V.H. Belvadi - Writings on the interconnections between science, technology and society
videah's blog - seemed like a good idea at the time
Wayne Hale's Blog - space > exploration > leadership
Wim Vanderbauwhede - Wim Vanderbauwhede
wiwi blog - A space to dump my longform thoughts.
Wondering Chimp - Navigating the intersection of information technologies and sustainability one blog post at a time.
ZeroAir Reviews - A site for things that interest a flashlight fan!
{DPHacks} - Tinkering and Hacking the World!
𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚗 - Another ${RANDOM} sysadmin sharing his experiences of work at IT industry.