On computers and the night sky.


I cannot be bothered to use a smartwatch anymore
Aug 10 2024
Yes I did.
Jun 20 2024
I have a new bicycle, and I created a pipeline to have my own activity logging without relying on some third party cloud service.
May 21 2024
I created a Matrix space to talk about Life, the Universe, and stuff
May 17 2024
My thoughts and recollections about the Space Shuttle, inspired by Scott Manley and Wayne Hale
Apr 29 2024
One small step for me on a leap day
Mar 03 2024
I talk about The Social Network (the movie) and my feelings about Facebook (the platform).
Feb 18 2024
And debezosing and deappling
Oct 20 2023
Hopefully beginnng of a series
Aug 15 2023
The not so happy reflections on distributed computing
Aug 04 2023